Feedr – An advanced RSS Desktop Ticker Slider for your Windows desktop for all those RSS feeds you want to read like a boss..

Feedr - A great RSS news slider for your Windows desktop

I’ve been working on this for some time now. As my first WPF application i’m sure it has a few bugs and problems but I hope you enjoy it.

Anyone with a multi monitor setup at the office or home will really love having all your important RSS feeds scroll along the bottom of your screen.

On a daily basis I know can’t live without this thing.. It’s a great way to keep track of your favourite websites unobtrusively and without having to open an RSS reader just to get your daily news fix.

You can read any feed article via the popup browser meaning you don’t even have to open a browser (though there’s a button for that too!):

It has some additional features like docking to the bottom of the screen, sharing RSS articles via email etc..

I hope you guys enjoy using it as much as I did making it!

I’ll work out some sort of donation thingo at some point if people want to donate to the project. If you have any problems with Feedr don’t despair I will try and help however I can to make sure it works for you (though please be kind as it’s only a Beta)..!

17/09/2014 – Update! New version 3.1 has been released..

Download “Feedr v3.1” Feedr_v3.1.zip – Downloaded 1637 times – 5 MB

Happy RSS’ing!

The Ninja

Feedr – An advanced RSS Desktop Ticker Slider for your Windows desktop for all those RSS feeds you want to read like a boss.. was last modified: January 28th, 2015 by theninja
  • ageor

    It looks great, but I can’t get it to work on Windows 8 (can’t try it in anything else at the moment)… Win XP SP3 compatibility and “Run as administrator don’t help. Any ideas?

    • adamcaz

      Hi Ageor, i’ll give it a go on Windows 8 and get back to you!

      • ageor

        I installed it in Windows 7. It looks great, but lack of OPML import or Google Reader synchronization is a showstopper :(

      • https://www.techninja.com.au theninja

        Hi Ageor, i’m working on a new version that will support Google Reader Sync for you. I 100% agree this would be a great feature to have. I’ll let you know when it’s available.